What trail were you in? * Coastal Northern Coastal Central Coastal Caloundra Hinterland Montville Hinterland Maleny Hinterland Foothills
Other - please specify
Suggestions on how else ACI could collect accurate visitor numbers?
What was your estimated total visitors? *
If you're happy to tell us the exact amount please do so, if not then a rough figure.
Did you get any commissions during the event? * Yes No
Did you collect email addresses for your mailing list? * Yes No
Did you collect email addresses for future workshop participation? * Yes No
Did you run a workshop/s during Open Studios? * Yes No
Did you feel it / they were successful? Yes No
Did you attend the studio pre-prep workshop event? * Yes No
Did you find the workshop beneficial? * Yes No
What else would you like covered in future workshops?
Did you participate in the Meander exhibition at the Old Ambo Station at Nambour? * No Yes
Did you feel a combined exhibition is a good idea for launching Opening Studios? * No Yes Unsure
Were you pleased with your Open Studios experience? * No As Expected Very Pleased Beyond Expectations Other
Other - How would you describe your experience? *
Did you get enough information from the organisers and was it well communicated? * Yes No
What other information would you like to recieve?
Do you have any suggestions for additional promotional opportunities for future Open Studios? * No Yes
Other - please specify
How would you describe the level of promotion you undertook to attract visitors to your studio? * Limited amount Reasonable amount Excessive amount
Did you collaborate with other artists this year? * Yes No
Do you feel a post event gathering would be useful to share your experiences? Yes No
If you were given the opportunity to purchase additional Open Studios signage for future events, would you consider it? Yes No
Do you feel your Open Studio's registration fees were value for money? * Great value Some value No Value
How often do you think Open Studios should be run? * Annually Every Second Year Other
Other - How often would you suggest?
Given that we have around 70 participants annually across the Sunshine Coast, do you think the event's current format - 1 weekend Hinterland, 1 weekend Coast on separate weekends - is the best way to spread the visitors evenly through the region? * Yes No Other
Other - What would your suggestion for the format be?
Which committee function would like to be involved in, eg marketing, socials etc.? Marketing and Publicity Marketing and Publicity Sponsorship and Fundraising Artist Liaison Volunteer Recruitment and Training Finance Exhibition / Launch Community Partnership Feedback and Evaluation
Do you expect to participate again next year? * Yes No Undecided
Why is that?
Are there things you plan to do differently next year?
How do you think Open Studios Sunshine Coast could be improved for participants and visitors?
Do you have any other comments you would like to make about the event?